The Collection of New Media and Intermedia is the newest and smallest sub-collection of the Olomouc Museum of Art. It was established in 2021 as a result of the project New Media Museums: Collecting and Preserving Media Arts in Central Europe, which aimed to map and share experiences in caring for new media collections among institutions in Central Europe. In addition to managing new acquisitions, it also aims to archive and document digital media in all other sub-collections. The collection contains works created after 2000 and is currently focused on sound works and audiovisual pieces.

The creation of the new media and intermedia sub-collection was formally approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic in 2021. Its establishment is closely tied to the Olomouc Museum of Art’s effort to complement its collections with works of art intended for the long-term representative displays, whose medium reflects the accelerated technological development and societal changes since the 1990s and that continue to reflect these transformations to the present day. At the same time, it does not neglect early technological works and pioneering approaches developed by artists since the 1960s. Selected works from this collection are expected to become part of long-term SEFO exhibitions and to be supplemented by long-term loans.

The lack of expertise and experience with new media works, combined with their often fragile and maintenance-intensive nature, has long discouraged and still discourages curators from collecting new media works, thus widening gaps in the collecting activities of museums (not only in Central Europe). The main prerequisite for establishing the collection was the implementation of the research project New Media Museums: Creating a Framework for Preserving and Collecting Media Arts in Central Europe (supported by the Visegrad Fund), which the museum launched in early 2021 together with institutional partners from the V4 countries (Slovak National Gallery, Bratislava; C3 – Center for Culture and Communication, Budapest; WRO Art Center, Wroclaw; PAF Olomouc). This project established an international platform for sharing knowledge and experiences in collecting, caring for, and presenting new media works. It also provided sufficient groundwork for the creation of the new media and intermedia sub-collection.

In its first phase, the new sub-collection focused on reflecting on the museum’s existing collections to select key media-based works and, with the newly gained knowledge, to propose appropriate handling methods (registration, documentation, conservation, archiving, storage). Some of the selected works were transferred to the new media sub-collection. For works where registering them in the new media sub-collection did not make sense conceptually (being part of or supplementary documentation to works stored in other collections), a handling manual was created. The first new acquisitions, which took place in 2020 and 2021, served as case studies for applying the newly established approaches developed from the New Media Museums project.

Pavel Büchler – Trident

The work Trident from 2006 was exhibited at the SEFO 2021 Triennial. It consists of two unsynchronized video loops, which the museum received in the form of files on a DVD disc, players, and monitors with wall-mounted consoles. The piece was created as a video montage from a recording of a test flight of a ballistic missile found on the internet. Three- to four-second cuts were randomly arranged into two different half-hour sequences. They are played independently, so the configuration of both images almost never repeats exactly.

Pavel Büchler (*1952) belongs to a generation that was strongly influenced in the mid-1970s by the artistic turn towards dematerialized forms and expressions. His encounter with conceptual art, especially its presence outside the official art scene, inspired the creation of his installations, conceptual works using obsolete technologies and “found objects,” as well as authorial books. In parallel with his visual art practice, he engages in theory and criticism in the areas of pedagogy, contemporary art, photography, and film. In his works, the use of language and communication through dialogue plays an important role. Büchler’s work metaphorically and literally fills the empty spaces in the complexity of senses and experiences, in terms of images, sounds, form, and material. He focuses on bridging the gap between “know” and “think.” He lives and works in Manchester.

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Mgr. Jakub Frank

  • curator of sub-collection New Media – SEFO, CEAD
  • +420 585 514 214

Mgr. Jakub Frank

  • curator of sub-collection New Media – SEFO, CEAD
  • +420 585 514 214