NEWS | January 9, 2017 From February 1st opens to the public in Prague a permanent exhibition of Treasury Strahov Monastery. At its foundation is also involved in Olomouc Museum of Art.

NEWS | January 9, 2017

From February 1st opens to the public in Prague a permanent exhibition of Treasury Strahov Monastery. At its foundation is also involved in Olomouc Museum of Art.

Curator Helena Zápalková prepared expert evaluation surviving fund and collaborated on the exhibition concept and the use of educational potential.

In the monasterys treasury will be less than a hundred exhibits, representing craft collection of liturgical character. “The exhibition includes monstrance, chalices and reliquaries from the Middle Ages to the present, but also the liturgical vestments, richly decorated and embroidered paramentos since the seventeenth century,” explained Zápalková.

Among the most important are reliquaries plates from the 13th century created for St. George Monastery in Prague and came to Strahov collections after the Josephine reforms.

Exposure captures not only the development but also the practical function of objects on display – what they were used. There will support two videos that creates employee Museum of Art Kamil Zajíček.

Olomouc Museum collaborates with Strahov monastery for a long time. Everything started an exhibition of handwritten prayer books Rose Garden, which ran for Strahov in 2012. This was followed by repetition of the exhibition Victimae Paschali Laudis dedicated to the Easter liturgy. Collections premonstrates then canon in Olomouc by exhibition Speculum Mundi. And the Strahov Monastery will cooperate with Museum of Art during the forthcoming exhibition In a Host You Are Wholly Hidden, which will capture the form of Eucharist Christ in the visual culture. Opens March 23th.