Krzysztof Gołuch / At Work

15 Feb 2017 - 02 Apr 2017
Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum

Polish photographer Krzysztof Gołuch (* 1966) comes from the Silesian Rudy, lives and works in Knurowie. He graduated from the Faculty of Education and Psychology University of Silesia in Katowice, Humanistic and Technical Academy in Bielsko-Biala and the Institute of Creative Photography at the Silesian University in Opava, where he is currently a PhD student. He is Knurów laureate from 2009 and twice Fellow Marshal of the Silesian voivodship in the field of culture between 2008 and 2014. He is a member of the Association of Polish Art Photographers. He works in the center of Katowice Archdiocese Caritas in Knurowie.

Gołuch in his work deals with the issue of people with disabilities and their role in society and the application. Initial impetus for a broader focus of his work, however, was anathema to the clichés with which people with disabilities in the media spotlight and photographs. As he himself says, photographing the handicap people as healthy people with inherent dignity and the unique unrepeatable. Photographic collection at work (2015-2016) originated on a farm in a small village Borowa Wies near Gliwice, where people with disabilities can with the help of trained assistants helping out with farm work and can also rehabilitate and use of medical care. Goluchovi managed to capture people at work in the fields and cattle and around. Documented their daily workload, atmosphere and specific conditions in which they have a chance to find jobs and live a better life.