NEWS | 3. 10. 2017 Six hundred years back in time the Archdiocesan Museum of Olomouc was returned today. In the Zdiks palace is filmed describing the tragic story of contemporary Jan Hus Jerome of Prague.

NEWS | 3. 10. 2017

Ondřej Vetchý, Václav Vydra, Pavel Rímsky, Vladislav Beneš and Alois Švehlík – these are just some names of Czech actors who will appear in the new film The Last Escape of Jerome of Prague. His shooting these days also takes place in the Archdiocesan Museum of Olomouc, which will be partly transformed into Constance or the Sorbonne of Paris.

“A year ago, a TV documentary premiered on a TV documentary about Master Jan Hus The Way without a Return. Now we turn, such a free continuation of Jerome of Prague, who had the same fate as Hus, but of another nature. But she also brought her to the border, “Iva Hlavsová, lead producer of the emerging film, illuminated the main character.

“The story of Jerome of Prague is really very strong, and he himself was not a priest like Jan Hus, and that is interesting. I will be playing Jeronimo directly by Ondřej Vetchý, for whom I am very happy, “added director Lubomír Hlavsa.

In the movie, the audience will see the Zdiks palaces ambience, its garden or space in front of the museum itself. “Americans need to build everything, and we have beautiful, gothic, authentic. Zdeněks palace garden turns into Sorbona, and the ambitious one will be one of the oceanic corridors, “said the director of the emerging film.

The audience will meet, in addition to Jerome of Prague, with Jan Hus, Cardinal Zabarella or Petr of Mladoňovice. The screens of Czech Television should appear in May next year.