NEWS: 13 10 2022 The project by Hungarian artist Katalin Ladik, which newly decorates the SEFO fence, also brings a sound element to the public space around the Museum of Art - a vocal interpretation of the old code language of the fishermen of Tenerife.

NEWS: 13 10 2022

The project by Hungarian artist Katalin Ladik, which newly decorates the SEFO fence, also brings a sound element to the public space around the Museum of Art. The new form of the enclosure will thus follow the ongoing exhibition BOSCH+BOSCH, which runs until 23 October, and will present the current work of one of the members of the Yugoslav-Hungarian group. The collection of photographs that forms the basis of the Singing Chest installation was created in 1976, but Katalin Ladik only rediscovered it in 2017, when it became material for her vocal interpretation.

In 1976, members of the BOSCH+BOSCH art group Bálint Szombáthy and Katalin Ladik embarked on a journey to Tenerife, where they created two art cycles in succession. One is a series of photographs in which they record small land art interventions in the form of pebble inscriptions. The second series photographically documents fish crates discovered in the citys harbour.

The colorful signs and codes, whose informational value was known and used by local fishermen, become a source for the artists to interpret at the border of visual poetry and graphic scores. Forty years later, Katalin Ladik returned to the series of photographs and interpreted them vocally in the recording studio. The twenty-one photographs in Ohrada correspond to twenty-one sound recordings in which we hear Katalin Ladik freely singing the written codes.

In this way, Ladik allows the now disused code language of the fishermen to be heard again with the passage of time, while gradually letting its original meaning fade into complete oblivion.

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