NEWS | 26. 9. 2017
Exclusive premiere of the work La Part des Choses of the French choreographer and director of the JAMU Physical Theater Studio, Pierre Nadaud, and the ensemble ZDRUHESTRANY, will be the end of the September program for physical and alternative theater in the Theater of Music.
“Be as close as possible to each other, in conversation, on the move, as close as possible to each one, listen to what is resonating in the world.”
The production of La Part des Choses refers to the page of our personality that leads to the things through which we are connected with the world. Is there something in us that does not belong to the world? It sounds like a stupid question because it is obvious that a piece of us sometimes wants the world not to belong, or at least do not belong to it in the usual way. The production follows the strategy of liberation and escape from the world. He follows the ways we do not want to belong to the world, and leave him what he owns. The accompanying figure of the production is a priest wandering in his own questions. It is necessary to consider the share of responsibility that belongs to us. The production involves guilt and the search for a subject that would fulfill our desires, wishes, and dreams of holiness.
“Moving images that deal with what belongs to the world and what belongs to the soul are connected with the tragicomic character of the priest. This contender is thinking about his certainties and doubts that force her to accept her vocation. The people they meet are real, or do they live only in his ideas? Who is consciousness and what is it about? Holy Puzzle! “Outlined the form of the production and some of her questions about the production of the Music Theater Petr Dvořák.
The scene requires unforgivable but elegant destruction, decay and confusion. For this destruction, the actors themselves have no responsibility, but they are the result of a continuously working device that inevitably catches the catastrophe. The physical theater performance focuses on self-awareness, good and bad conscience and self-knowledge.