NEWS | 9. 10. 2017 The Norwegian system of parental leave, its advantages and disadvantages will be presented to you at the Music Theater Theater Feste on Wednesday evening. Unique production of the Child. Boat. written for him by the Norwegian playwright and the Ibsen Prize winner Frederik Bratteberg.

NEWS | 9. 10. 2017

What is the impact of shorter parental leave on parent-child relationships? This is one of the main motifs of Frederick Brattebergs game Child. Boat. The advantages and disadvantages of the Norwegian parental leave system will be presented to you at the Divadlo Feste Theater on Wednesday.

The winner of the prestigious Ibsen Prize, Frederik Bratteberg, wrote the game Child. Boat. directly for the ensemble Feste. The whole plot then sets in a single day, but for the life of a very important family. The baby is leaving for the first time in the crèche. But what if the mother or dad hack? Is not a year and a half old child in the crèche small? What will parents do without a child?

Brattberg watches in its game the impact of a shorter parental leave on parent-child relationships, parents, and parents and neighbors. This will be followed by a debate with the production team.

Tickets can now be purchased here.