NEWS | February 21, 2017
The new Cabinet drawings and graphics opens April 7 Kroměříž Archdiocesan Museum. It presents works by old masters from the collection of Olomouc Archdiocese. First welcomes visitors at the same time with the new tourist season at the Kroměříž castle.
Thanks to the fine quality of the collection of drawings considered exceptional set, and despite the fact that to this day preserved only a fragment of the rich collection of the former. In Kromeříž collection can be found on almost all important centers of Italian art life: Florence, Bologna, Siena, Milan, Genoa, Rome or Venice. This is only a figurative motifs, in terms of workflow, representing all types of artwork – from sketches from conventional (pensiero, primo pensiero) and Studio (Studio, schizzo) to the final drawing (disegno).
“A collection of drawings he only had sixty-seven items, but its value is equivalent to the image collection,” said curator Martin Breedlove. It is mostly Italian drawings from the 16th and partly from the first half of the 17th century. “Only a portion about a tenth of the collection, forming transalpine drawing,” added Breedlove. Due to sensitivity to light exhibits will be on display in facsimiles. They are so reliable that the naked eye can not discern that they are not original.
Kroměříž cabinet drawings
Drawings of Old Masters
Published: Olomouc Museum of Art, 2016
Editors: Martin Breedlove, Editor: Martin Zlatohlávek
Hardcover, 144 pages.
ISBN: 978-80-88103-16-5
Price: CZK 300
Art Museum also issued a representative catalog Kroměříž cabinet drawings | Drawings of the old masters, whose editor is one of the leading experts Martin Zlatohlávek of Charles University. “Memoirs brings a number of new findings and new attributions in the drawings,” said the curator. Published in Czech and English language.
Envelope catalog consists of valuable artwork by Breedlove Sebastian del Piombo Sitting sibyl / seer with the angel of 1516. It served as a preparation for a mural in the Roman church of San Pietro in Montorio. Likewise Breedlove weighs drawings Giulio Romano Jupiter and Juno. “Its the same preparation for the mural, even with square nets, but in the end the author of the composition changed when the eagle replaced the figure of the young man and the eagle got into the very center of the fresco final implementation,” said Breedlove.
Formation of the new cabinet to the project for the Temple, city and country. Program funding is to support applied research and development of national and cultural identity (NAKI II). His goal is a comprehensive interdisciplinary treatment of one of the most important personalities of the cultural, political and spiritual scenes Central Europe, second half of 17th century – Olomouc bishop Karl of Lichtenstein-Castelcorn (1624-1695).
Drawings and Prints is the fourth that Olomouc Art Museum at the Castle in Kromeriz opens. In 2013 it was the Cabinet Music Cabinet and garden culture, and a year later we have acquired Cabinet coins and medals.