NEWS | 1. 11. 2017 Twenty-three lecturers from the education departments of galleries and museums across the Czech Republic went to Olomouc on Monday. In the Museum of Art, they have tried various programs, games and a unique application with Bishop Karel.

NEWS | 1. 11. 2017

The National Gallery, the Prague City Gallery, the Alsova South Bohemian Gallery or the West Bohemian Gallery in Pilsen – this is just a small list of galleries that have sent their representatives to Olomouc. The Art Museum hosted a meeting of educators.

“This meeting was provided by the Chamber of Educational Staff, which brings together eduators from the Council of Galleries of the Czech Republic. He is regularly twice a year and always in another place. The challenge for the host institution is to present its educational programs, “explains Hana Lamatová, a lecturer at the MUO Education Department.

The two-day program was divided into two parts of the museum. “We spent the Monday in the Archdiocesan Museum. At the meeting, we demonstrated everything we do to the public and try our tablet-based application with Bishop Karel. We were very surprised by the positive feedback on her, “Hana Lamatová smiled.

She also prepared for her colleagues an urban game Over the Golden Cubes, which was accompanied by this years Days of Jewish Culture. “Colleagues, Olomouc could also have met in an untraditional way. Even after the urban game, we tried a laser game, “she added.

Tuesday was Jankovic

The Tuesday program took place at the Museum of Modern Art. The lecturers went through a new exhibition by Jozef Jankovič , even with her curator. “On the second day, David Hrbek, together with Míša Soukupová, made what they conceived as an accompanying program for Jankovičs show. Especially the active zones, which are directly in the exhibition area, but also in front of the museum building. They liked everyone very much, “Lamatová said.

However, the educational programs of the Olomouc Museum of Art are primarily intended for its visitors, from two-year-olds, to elementary school pupils, middle-aged students to senior citizens. Everyone can come and take part in the educational programs, just follow our program on the MUO website.