NEWS | October 15, 2014
An informed guide to the visual arts of the late 20th century in the countries of the Visegrad gain scholars and laymen through Olomouc Museum of Art and the Project Central European Art Database (CEAD). For detailed information about creating some forty artists including film portrayals museum publishes not only on the website, but also in the so-called new. CEAD point -informačním kiosk at the Museum of Modern Art. Opening CEAD Point concludes the first phase of the project, whose implementation has enabled Visegrad Fund grant. The museum is working on its further development.
The project worked CEAD curators Olomouc Museum of Art since the end of 2011 the main impetus was paradoxically refusal to grant the completion of the new museum building called. Central European Forum Olomouc (SEFO). There currently wanted the museum to present the results of acquisition activity, which since 2008 has engaged in conceptually in the Visegrad countries. Unrealised exposure SEFO so thanks to the project CEAD at least your virtual parallel.
The project team worked successively life and work of 40 artists from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. A bilingual, Czech and English database has currently by the project initiator Gina Renotiѐre range of about čtyřsetstránkového dictionary. “In addition to biographical data passwords provides an overview of the creation, list of exhibitions and works from the museums collection,” she added.
Curators also visited camera with 16 studios important living painters and sculptors. “Amalgamation documentaries, personal testimonies of artists and studios insights into the added value of the database, which thus limited to plain text information,” says project initiator Gina Renotiѐre. “During filming, we focused on connecting personal recollections of historical events. We were looking for connections between the Visegrad countries, “added curator Stepanek Bieleszová.
Essential for the complexity and attractiveness information CEAD considered museum director Michal Soukup establish close cooperation with Czech Television. “Memorandum that we signed with the Director General of Czech Television Petr Dvorak, provides us not only access to selected documents in the online archive, but also sharing them directly in the database CEAD plus the ability to obtain a foreign language subtitles,” said Soukup. Another film museum material obtained through collaboration with FAMU.
The usefulness of the database shows CEAD Point – public information kiosk, which is newly opened in the building of the Museum of Modern Art. “Its visitors can watch the finished film profiles and browse the database on your computer. Above all, they can confront information about specific authors and their works that are now exposed in the neighborhood, in the permanent exhibition A Century of relativity, “pointed out the practical interconnection Renotiѐre.
Museum of art while actively seeking opportunities for further development of the project. “We are still at the beginning, a lot of work ahead of us,” said curator Barbara Kundračíková. “We would like to extend scholarly network of collaborating institutions in Austria and Germany, enrich our program of public education activities and applied research, continually updated audio and video archives and other sections,” mentioned some plans.