NEWS | March 28, 2017
Art Museum participates in the Czech avant-garde photography exhibition at the National Gallery in Sofia. Coauthors are Olomouc exhibition curator, and Vladimir Štěpánka Bieleszová Birgus of the Institute of Creative Photography of the Silesian University in Opava.
The main center of the interwar avant-garde photographs are rightly regarded as France, Germany and Russia. However, even in Czechoslovakia was born at the same time many photographic works, not mere imitation of foreign models, but significantly contributed to the development of art photography. Making Frantisek Drtikol original way responded to the international Art Deco works of Jaroslava Rösslera, Jaromíra Funkeho and Eugena Wiškovského developed elements of constructivism, functionalism and New Objectivity, and later surrealism.
Funke and Rössler very special way contributed to the development of abstract photos. Foreign recognition of the pioneers of Czech modern photography came gradually – while Drtikolova and Funkes work began to be represented in major galleries and museums already in the seventies, Rössler first monograph was published only in 2001 and Eugen Wiškovský on his full international appreciation is still waiting.
In Sofia, is subjected to 21 May 47 exhibits from private collections and three from the Museum of Art.
Photo: Ivo Chupetlovski