NEWS: 06 09 2022
The Olomouc Museum of Art will offer a more attractive offer for seniors and their active involvement in lecturer programmes. In addition to the popular guided tours of exhibitions, the education department is planning intergenerational art workshops specially designed for seniors with children or art workshops focused only on seniors and the development of their skills. In selected activities, they will also be able to try out digital technologies, such as mobile applications. Some types of programmes with copies and replicas of works of art will take place outside the Olomouc Museum of Art on the grounds of clubs for the elderly, or in the facilities of homes for the elderly.
These plans have been made possible by the European Erasmus+ programme (KA 122-ADU), thanks to which the lecturers will not only look for inspiration at home, but will also collect examples of good practice during visits to colleagues at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, the National Museum of Slovenia, the Diocesan Museum of St. Aphra in Augsburg or the Dome Museum in Vienna.
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