NEWS | 10. 2. 2019
The exhibition project ‘Years of Disarray 1908–1928 | Avant-gardes in the Central Europe’ ended January 27, 2019 however at the beginning of March 2019 it will be presented in the International Cultural Centre in Cracow. The travelling exhibition is also followed by the international educational programme of the ArtCoMe project. High school students involved in the project met each other for the first time in November 2018 in Olomouc. Right now they are preparing for the next meeting which will take place at the beginning of April 2019 in Cracow.
‘Until the next meeting in April, four teams of high school students from Olomouc, Cracow, Bratislava and Pécs have to elaborate life and work of a chosen artist representing their country on the Cracow exhibition,’ said lecturer Terezie Čermáková, author of the concept of the educational programme. In scope of the programme, students gain not only a direct experience with a professional research, but also learn how to creatively process information and discover ways to present the results of their work to the general public. ‘This time students will create a Facebook Fan Pages of chosen artists. Hence the main task is to find a suitable way and an interesting form of passing the learned information,’ said Čermáková. ‘Our intention was to show students how they can use platforms that they are surrounded every day meaningfully and actively,’ said project coordinator Jana Macháčková.
The international project Art & Contemporary Me: Artwork as a medium building European identity (ArtCoMe, 2018–2020) is funded by Creative Europe – Culture programme grant. It addresses strong and unique experience of individuals with artwork by means of common artistic creation of general public and professionals. The aim is to breach borders between the non-professional and professional art. The project includes the travelling exhibition ‘Years of Disarray 1908–1928’, international educational programme, national educational programmes, publication and conference.
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