NEWS | APRIL 4, 2019
The second international meeting of students involved in the ArtCoMe project starts tomorrow. The meeting will be held under the auspices of the International Culture Centre in Cracow.
The city of Polish kings will become the main venue of the international educational programme and welcome students from Olomouc, Bratislava, Pécs and of course Krakow. Students can look forward to four days full of creative workshops that will deepen their experience with selected topics of ‘Years of Disarray 1908–1928. Avant-gardes in the Central Europe’ exhibition. ‘The focus of the individual workshops is put directly on students own preparation to further develop knowledge they have already acquired. Several weeks, participating students are discovering life stories of four Central European avant-garde artists and create Facebook Fan Pages for them,’ said Terezie Čermáková, author of the international educational programme concept.
And what did the lecturers of the International Culture Centre in Krakow prepare for the students? ‘Students will have the opportunity to present their knowledge about chosen artist to museum visitors in form of short guided tours. They will also experience the cooperation within international teams, learn what does it take to work as a curator and discover possibilities of art interpretation,’ revealed ICC lecturer Angelika Madura.
Before the Krakow meeting starts officially, lets remember what students experienced during previous meeting in Olomouc.