10 Oct 2022
NEWS: 10 10 2022
When are Jews "ours" and when are they "foreign" to Czech society? What image do we have of them stored in our historical memory? The upcoming 15th edition of the Days of Jewish Culture Olomouc festival is looking for answers to the entrenched stereotypes.
NEWS: 10 10 2022
When are Jews “ours” and when are they “foreign” to Czech society? What image do we have of them stored in our historical and cultural memory and why? Czech society sometimes presents its relationship to the Jewish minority as a strong transcultural connection, sometimes as a strictly isolated parallel existence accompanied by tensions and conflicts. The upcoming 15th edition of the Days of Jewish Culture Olomouc festival, which will take place from 12 October to 7 November 2022, is looking for answers to the entrenched stereotypes.