NEWS | MARCH 4, 2019
The upcoming student meeting within the ArtCoMe project will be held in early April under the auspices of the International Culture Centre in Cracow. It will offer a series of creative workshops and new experiences to its participants again. As early as these weeks, however, students rise to the challenge which aim at prepare them for the meeting in Cracow.
“This time we focused on the life stories of artists, whose work is presented at the ‘Years of Disarray 1908–1928’ exhibition. Each team of students has chosen one male or female artist from their country of origin to become more familiar with them in the upcoming weeks that is to get to know their life, work and present it to the public,” said lecturer Terezie Čermáková, the author of the concept of the educational programme. At the moment, they are administrating Facebook fan pages they have created for selected artists. Their task is to find appropriate ways to pass on the interesting information.
And which personalities of Central European avant-gardes took the attention of students? Take a look at their Facebook fan pages.
| Gymnázium Olomouc–Hejčín | JOSEF ČAPEK
| VII Prywatne Liceum im. Mikołaja Reja, Krakov | KATARZYNA KOBRO
| Škola pre mimoriadne nadané deti a gymnázium, Bratislava | ANTON JASUSCH
| Pécsi Apáczai Csere János (ANK) Gimnázium | IMRE SZOBOTKA