Anniversary of the fall of communism marks the online exhibition of photographs by Petr Zatloukal
News | November 14, 2014
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Velvet Revolution we are presenting a smaller collection of black and white photographs, reflecting the significant turning point of Czecho(slovak) history. During 4 months ( until February 1990) photographer Petr Zatloukal created a series of photographs, documenting course of social and political changes in Olomouc. The mainstay of the collection is dedicated to so called ocupation strike of students of the Philosophical Faculty of Palacký University. The author has recorded from immediate proximity a look behind the scenes of the committee, which by means of handmade leaflets, posters, notices, but also of happenings informed about update events and at the same time ironized and was ironical about gradually weakening regime. As the author himself has emphasised, important part of photographs were also pictures of so called still lives – which means spontaneously and gradually emerging “memorials“ of the past, but also graphically rendered ideas and slogans of until then banned personalities.