NEWS | FEBRUARY 11, 2021

NEWS | FEBRUARY 11, 2021

One of the first post-war photographic groups in Czechoslovakia was the DOFO Olomouc photographers Group (1958-75). The group applied numerous pre-Second World War Bauhaus experimental techniques, and the photographs reflected the subjective feelings of the creators as expressive, structural and often hallucinatory images. The impact of the group’s creations – with their gravity, relevance, and quality – went beyond national borders and contributed to the wider European art scene.

The actual exhibition also presents some important predecessors and companions of this group. One of them was Ladislav Postupa, one of the heirs to the tradition of Czech Surrealistic photography. His interpretations of ordinary settings draw on a penetrating surreal perception and a rich imagination.

Presented artists: Ladislav Postupa, Emila Medkova, Vilem Reichman, Antonín Gribovský, Jan Hajn, Rupert Kytka, Jaromír Kohoutek and Ivo Preček.

Curators: dr. Štěpánka Bieleszová, Dejan Sluga