NEWS| AUGUST 5. 2019 The international project ArtCoMe is based on the close cooperation of four museum education departments with high school students. The first year of its realisation gave all participants valuable experience, new friendships and most of all a creative atmosphere of common meetings.

NEWS| AUGUST 5. 2019

The international educational project ArtCoMe is based on the close cooperation of four museum education departments with individually chosen teachers and high school students. The first year of its realisation gave all participants valuable experience, new friendships and most of all a creative atmosphere of common meetings.

In September 2018 museum lectures and teachers of partner schools met each other for the first time in the Archbishopric chateau in Kroměříž to start three-year long cooperation under the auspice of the ArtCoMe project. The aim of the large project was to link high school students from Olomouc, Cracow, Bratislava and Pécs to lead them to apply a creative approach to the topics of the ‘Years of Disarray 1908–1928‘ exhibition. Once the meeting in Kroměříž was ended, a very intense work began in the individual schools. Chosen students were discovering stories of the period 1908–1928 and they also tried to create Wikipedia articles. In November all teams hit the road to come to Olomouc. Everybody was curious and maybe a little bit anxious about the new cooperation. But the meeting exceed all expectations as it was filled with a creative atmosphere and enthusiasm of students. During the meeting in Olomouc students experienced work of animators and journalist, tried to shoot reportages and make poster designs.  

In the second half of the school year teams of students were focused on the way of life of Central European avant-garde artists. For the chosen artists they created and administrated Facebook Fan Pages. In April the International Cultural Centre in Cracow was liven up by the second student meeting. Here students experienced four days of inspiring lectures and creative workshops focused on the art interpretation and presentation.  This time they also tried to work in the international teams to create two unique exhibition designs.

And how would students evaluated the ArtCoMe project?


Basia (Cracow)

Ive had a great opportunity to take part in the ArtCoMe project – and taking it was one of the best decisions Ive ever made. During two meetings, one in Olomouc and one in Krakow, Ive learned so much not only about art through various media but also about different cultures of the countries that despite being so close are so different than my home country. Ive practiced my animation skills, built a small exhibition, actually created a Wikipedia page and so much more, everything guided by passionate and talented teachers and tutors.

But overall, my favourite part was meeting so many new, interesting people – and with some of them I am still in touch and we travel to visit each other in our countries. 

Im very lucky that I got to take part in such an amazing project and the memories of it will stay with me for a long time.


Laura (Bratislava)

Thanks to the ArtCoMe project I could as a high school student develop my artistic skills and knowledge in ways it is not possible during regular education because there is no time for it or resources. So many creative people with great visions and ideas met in two places in two countries to create. Amazing role models for young people, under their leadership we had a chance to create with no boundaries in international teams, to learn about cultural heritage but also about ourselves and our skills.

I would never say there is so much artistic in me, but thanks to ArtCoMe I got a chance to know it and even reach out other people with my ideas. The whole project gave me so much and I can hardly thank enough to the organizers but perhaps I can help one more thing that is to mediate this experience to other students.


Markéta (Olomouc)

The ArtCoMe project became essential and very important part of my life. Not only I’ve learned many new things, such as looking at different kind of information from many perspectives, but I could also fully demonstrate my creativity or experience communication and cooperation within the team. At the same time, I enjoyed the atmosphere which was very friendly during the whole project. Most of all I liked the original concept of the ArtCoMe project and an effort to link students from four European countries that are connected by on great passion in art and history.


Marcell (Pécs)

I took part in the ArtCoMe programme in Olomouc and Krakow. The rounds were completely different. In the first round I learnt how to make an interview or how to create a short film. It was very tiring but it was worth it. The second round was a bit different. There were two international teams making their own small “exhibition”. By this you could get to know the participants from other countries better and it was the most interesting part in my opinion.

Though it was not exactly about building friendships, for me the second round meant that. I enjoyed the second round much more because I could get along with everyone. In conclusion I got a lot of new friends, tried so many things I haven´t done before. It was all worth it for me and if I had the opportunity, I would do it all over again!

Eva (Bratislava)

Every school year, there have always been loads of camps and projects concerning maths and physics. And all those years I kept thinking to myself how great it would be if there are such projects not only for people who love maths and physics, but also for people who love art. I always thought that there is too little art education in schools that not enough is being taught about art, creativity, that it is maybe being seen as something not as important as other subjects.

ArtCoMe is the kind of a project I always dreamed of, but never actually thought it could exist. Art, creativity, so many great ideas and people – all mixed together. Visiting cities Ive never been to before, working on so many projects in ways Ive never tried before. It was beautiful and it makes me so happy that people still care about art. ArtCoMe is a huge step towards making our art education better and I am thankful I got a chance to be part of it.