NEWS| 13. 9. 2018 ArtCoMe is an international project addressing strong and unique experience of individuals with artwork by means of common artistic creation of general public and professionals. The aim is to breach borders between the non-professional and professional art.

NEWS| 13. 9. 2018 

ArtCoMe is an international project addressing strong and unique experience of individuals with artwork by means of common artistic creation of general public and professionals. The aim is to breach borders between the non-professional and professional art. 

The project includes the international educational programme for students and their mentors, travelling exhibition  ‘Years of Disarray. Avant-gardes in the Central Europe’ , publication and national educational programmes. The project starts with the international scientific conference ‘The Birth of the Modern Central European Citizen’. Thus ArtCoMe represent a part and one of perspectives of a larger project focusing on social, political and cultural changes covering the final decade of existence of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the first decade of its successor states celebrating the European Year of Cultural Heritage in 2018. Partner organisations: Olomouc Museum of Art (CZE), Bratislava City Gallery (SVK),  International Cultural Centre in Cracow (POL) and Janus Pannonius Museum in Pécs (HUN).