NEWS | 6. 9. 2016 From Friday to Sunday, we will join one of the largest cultural holiday of the year - the European Heritage Days. One of the specialties of the rich program will be Friday and Sunday guided tour of the opulent Baroque coach of Bishop Ferdinand Julius Troyer, which will lead in the Archdiocese Museum art historian Helena Zápalková.

NEWS | 6. 9. 2016

From Friday to Sunday, we will join one of the largest cultural holiday of the year – the European Heritage Days. One of the specialties of the rich program will be Friday and Sunday guided tour of the opulent Baroque coach of Bishop Ferdinand Julius Troyer, which will lead in the Archdiocese Museum art historian Helena Zápalková. And it will be an exceptional tour. We will reveal to you the original decoration of the coach from the time when he still belonged to the French ambassador!

How was the origin of the ceremonial carriage? It has managed to find out, thanks to its restoration. For the analogies can be judged that the coach was created in Paris royal manufactory handicrafts called Les Gobelins in the first quarter of the 18th century. The restorers uncovered on brass trims suspension cab car coat of arms of the original owner of the carriage. It was the Armando Louis François du Plessis, Duc de Richelieu (1696-1788), who in the years 1725-1729, he served as an envoy of French King Louis XV. at the imperial court in Vienna.

Idea of the decorative painting of the coach before the year 1747, when it was rebuilt, we can do it thanks to a rare surviving paintings on the back wall of the cab, discovered during restoration. On a gilded background is depicted Caritas (Love), one of the three theological virtues, set in a rich ornamental frame corresponding graphic vzorníkům Parisian decorators. Since the image field has not been repainted, but only secondarily covered with glued-painting on canvas, it was possible to screen during the restoration removed and attached to a separate pad, which allows the occasional presentation of two unique paintings.

This unique opportunity we offer during the coming weekend. This unique opportunity we offer during the coming weekend. Terms of guided tours with Helena Zápalková are on Friday from 17 pm and on Sunday from 10am.