NEWS | October 13, 2015 Twenty-eight Praguer born in Sarajevo George Radojčič exhibits from Monday, October 12 his paintings at Café 87.

NEWS | October 13, 2015

Twenty-eight Praguer born in Sarajevo George Radojčič exhibits from Monday, October 12 his paintings at Café 87. Two dozen works are inward gaze into the world of a young epileptic, who spent several years painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in the studio of Jiří Lindovský after a curious transfer directly from primary school. That because of his disability he left at the age of high-school graduate.

“By George, I never knew what his diagnosis, today is my friend,” said at the opening Štefan Berec. He was in elementary school St. Ursula Radojčič assistant. Already there Berec knew that with George not an ordinary childrens drawings. At Ursuline Radojčič also exhibited for the first time. “Today is one of the most successful sale in Prague. If I had enough money, I would buy it,” added Berec.

Radojčič refers to the outside world that immediately surrounds it and that translates into his unique artistic language. Although it has its own, largely intuitive creative processes, matures them similar results, what are the lessons from previous developments in painting often painstakingly teased the great modern artists.

Radojčič at his paintings said yesterday that it enjoys painting. “I paint, although I am angry. I get it him from myself,” he described. At the same time he amused but added that it is an admirer of women, because each one has her charm for him.