Steklík‘s Harakiri
Jan Steklík (1938–2017), a quintessential draughtsman, initiator of nature-based actions, creator, and recorder of subtle situations in both the artistic and “real” worlds, regularly exhibited for several decades at various venues in Opava and the surrounding region.
The exhibition Steklíkova Harakiri will present his work shown in seventeen exhibitions in Opava, along with representative documentation of these exhibits and performances that took place from the early 1980s until recent years. Olomouc Museum of Art will also for the first time showcase a series of drawings acquired in 2022, as well as several objects and sculptures loaned from private and public collections.
In addition to the story of numerous exhibitions and events organized by curator and gallery owner Martin Klimeš, the exhibition Steklíkova Harakiri is an image of the author’s original thinking through and in drawing, and it marks the first solo exhibition of Jan Steklík in Olomouc.