
04 Feb 2020 - 01 Mar 2020
Gallery Caesar
Veronika Zikmundová from Seberytí exhibition
Veronika Zikmundová from Seberytí exhibition


The question of whether art can be taught is one of eternal – but in the words of Jiří Lindovský, only the one who has not been given enough time remains an amateur. “The amateur did not have the opportunity and time to get to know the chosen material and himself in it.” The exhibition of student works created in recent years in the graphic studio of the Department of Art at the Pedagogical Faculty of the Palacký University in Olomouc, ie under the leadership of Ondřej Michálek, accompanies the exhibitions of the Olomouc Museum of Art – and enriches them with this pedagogical framework. Selfishness refers to both the maternity and the aspirant.