OL – 03 – 12 | Ondřej Michálek – Jiří Žlebek – Oldřich Šembera
The Gallery of the Olomouc Museum of Art will see the meeting of three significant personalities of Olomouc art culture: the graphic artist, draughtsman and teacher Ondřej Michálek, the sculptor and architect Jiří Žlebek and the painter and graphic designer Oldřich Šembera. They are related not only because they belong to the same generation and region, but they are all interested in the same problem of communication with one’s surroundings. It ranges from the possibility of human dialogue in Michálek’s existential graphic art and Žlebek’s exaggerated and ironic statues up to the contact and merging of the world of technology with nature in Šembera’s drawings and paintings. The exhibition is conceived as a retrospective presentation of the works of the three artists.