October 1, 2015 – January 10, 2016
Prolongation to 17. 1. 2016
Archdiocesan Museum in Olomouc | Gallery
Giovanni Battista Piranesi is one of the greatest figures of Italian art from the 18th century. He was a man of many professions. He wanted to assert himself as an architect and a scientist, but he has been recorded in history primarily as an extraordinary graphic artist. He started out on the Venetian art scene, but his life and work, however, were inherently linked with Rome and its ancient monuments. The exhibition will present all Piranesis graphic art in its diversity of topic and expression. Besides the famous Roman vedute and prints from numerous graphic cycles devoted to ancient monuments, it will also present etchings of unique architectural fantasies and fascinating scenes from the Carceri (Dungeons) album.