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Moment Olomouc
27 Jun 2024
- 22 Sep 2024
Olomouc Museum of Art
The Moment Olomouc exhibition is the result of the long-term work of teachers and architecture students from the three universities that are cooperating with the SEFO 2024 Triennial.
The theme of MOMENTS, which covers the show of contemporary Central European art, is tested by the architects directly on the structure of the city. Olomouc thus becomes a place of experimentation, following the trio of concepts MONUMENT-DOCUMENT-MOCKUMENT in response to the brief. Monuments in the broadest sense of the word are abundant in Olomouc, its territory enjoys varying degrees of protection, and at different times Olomouc people have treated different modes of memory. In some places it is exaggerated, in others it is absent. Through DOCUMENTATION we systematize the tools of knowledge of local memory. The instrument of experiment is MOCKUMENT, which introduces mystification or irony into the interpretive processes, questioning myths based on the reality of the previously unambiguous facts.
We are looking for MOMENTS that fit into the image of the city. The stable, monumentalized one has its cracks, its black holes, it becomes the object of interest for future architects who, in the perspective of fiction and/or reality, are preparing for Olomouc the MOMENTS that are yet to come.
The group led by Miroslav Šik, Anna Svobodová, Lenka Milerová from the School of Architecture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, in collaboration with Matouš Lipus, moves on the sensitive borderline between the (over?)-protected Olomouc conservation area and zones whose potential has been ignored by the locals for years. The assignment is solved by architects in cooperation with art students.
The University of Applied Arts in Prague with a studio led by Roman Brychta, Marketa Mráčková and Barbora Šimonová warmed up thematically by exploring iconic historical torsos and their extensions. In Olomouc, the team is delving into a bigger bite, the landscape torso that surrounds the city.
The Faculty of Architecture at Brno University of Technology has divided the tasks. Two teams are operating in the centre, Szymon Rozwałka investigates the phenomenon of mediocrity, among others as an idealised production of today’s monument care, Jaroslav Sedlák turns the students’ interest to the so far neglected postmodern layer of cultural heritage. Vojtěch Jemelka and Jan Mléčka test with their students the possibilities of an experimental approach to conservation on concrete examples of non-monuments. In a critical probe, their team worked on the Olomouc material to the very edge of the profession of architecture and urban planning. The absence of care for vague territories, and especially their inhabitants, makes them empathetic sociologists scanning the terrain of the city in its complexity.
The landscape of Olomouc is beautiful. This autumn and winter I dedicated to Olomouc and wandering around its beautiful Haná landscape. I would like to take you there now. Through a gallery of paintings I will take you to the edge of Olomouc. Behind the endless rows of fields there are unprecedented secrets. Forgotten places in the middle of the fields are inexorably overgrown by time. They disappear. Some places persist, giving identity to the place. Many secrets disappear in a plethora of layers, lost in old plans. But many new places also spontaneously arise. They give the region a new and exceptional character. When a new modern structure appears in a region, it engages in a completely natural dialogue with the existing landscape. Somewhere on the edge between the city and the open countryside is an undefined area that begins and ends on the periphery of the city. Ancient and modern layers overlap. They have a lively dialogue. This gives rise to exceptional places that together create the unprecedented cultural value of Olomouc’s peripheral landscape.
The eastern part of Olomouc will undergo significant change in the coming years. The eastern section of the bypass is planned and with it tens of hectares of production areas. The spatial plan seems not to take into account the potential of places that are culturally or landscape significant. The aim of the project is to reveal this potential and offer an alternative form of the eastern part of Olomouc. These are places that are remnants of historical plans and do not find a proper place in the new one. Specifically: a 2 km long undeveloped strip of land left after the original bypass route; a cemetery and a fortress in close proximity to which the planned bypass is to run; and sports grounds in the village of Hodolany, which will be separated from the landscape by the bypass. I am linking these three places with a network of paths and trying to create an environment that will serve the people living in the area and not just traffic and industry.
Ve svém krátkém animovaném filmu s nadsázkou zkoumám možnosti dekonstrukce onoho fortu schovaného za plotem. Tři štamgasti z místní hospody se rozhodnou, že pokud fort v jejich sousedství jako památka neslouží, mají právo si z něho vzít několik cihel a postavit si každý kdo co potřebuje doma na zahradě. Dříve se to tak dělalo, z pevnostních cihel starých bastionů a dalších fortů byly přece postaveny celé domy, čtvrtě. Následně vznikne malá hokejová hala, budova všeobecně užitečná. Historická hmota nachází jiné uplatnění a svojí transformací zároveň připomíná historický proces spontánní dekonstrukce, který se odehrál již o sto let dřív – odkaz minulosti tak bude pokračovat v jiné podobě dál.
With my project, I am responding to current plans to radically develop the site and creating a counterproposal to the controversial zoning study, which envisages the development of the area with mostly single-family houses. The primary motivation was to preserve the appearance of an urban wilderness. The development of the area is ideologically based on an inversion of the defensive fortress as such. I am changing the archetypal perception of the fortress and turning it against the city so that it protects the newly created nature. The proposed development, the fortress, is concentrated along the edge of the territory and is not a full wall, but is designed as a semi-permeable membrane through which nature can enter the city.
I try to preserve the informal atmosphere of the urban wilderness as much as possible. However, I am counting on the fact that in the immediate vicinity of the proposed development, nature will gradually be cultivated. This creates a smooth gradient of wilderness. The network of new paths that thin out and disappear into the wilderness responds to this environmental change. In the epicentre of the wilderness, a place is created that allows for informal behaviour, a space without established rules – a place of escape.
Mariia Khositashvili – An elementary school on the grounds of the former Peace Gunpowder Storage
I propose the Primary School as the heart and magnet of this territory. I want to achieve this by linking this feature with the oldest building on the site, the First Peace Powder House. In the midst of fields, overgrown hills and forgotten countryside since 1782 stood a building that sheltered gunpowder in peacetime. Today, I want to reverse this historic function of it and embrace it as the main root from which a new function and new life grows around it. The powder magazine becomes a common place for the whole school and the whole surrounding neighbourhood. Connected to it, a clear practical two-storey structure is created – a Primary School with teaching for Grades 1 and 2.
I propose the Primary School as the heart and magnet of this territory. I want to achieve this by linking this feature with the oldest building on the site, the First Peace Powder House. In the midst of fields, overgrown hills and forgotten countryside since 1782 stood a building that sheltered gunpowder in peacetime. Today, I want to reverse this historic function of it and embrace it as the main root from which a new function and new life grows around it. The powder magazine becomes a common place for the whole school and the whole surrounding neighbourhood. Connected to it, a clear practical two-storey structure is created – a Primary School with teaching for Grades 1 and 2.
Vít Gregora and Barbora Kurková – A New Morava under Olomoucí Kryštof Krebs – Wanderer (lost landscape) Jakub Slamka – In the footsteps of lost forts Camilo Soto Velez – Forts on the Map Balázs Moscelini – Remnant Loop Albert Machek – Holická trail