ACTUALITY 25. 10. 2017 Until now, the unknown beings - The Arm-Legs-People - were children and parents in Studio 6+ of the Museum of Modern Art. You can look at Ohrada Gallery at the Museum of Modern Art in Denis Street for how these still-unknown creatures look like life-size. Creations inspired by works by Jozef Jankovich completed a mosaic inviting a Visitors on his exhibition The Flow of Time.

ACTUALITY 25. 10. 2017

Until now, the unknown beings – The Arm-Legs-People – were children and parents in Studio 6+ of the Museum of Modern Art. You can look at Ohrada Gallery at the Museum of Modern Art in Denis Street for how these still-unknown creatures look like life-size. Creations inspired by works by Jozef Jankovich completed a mosaic inviting a Visitors on his exhibition The Flow of Time.