13 Sep 2018
NEWS | 28. 8. 2018
Palacký University Olomouc with the National Heritage Institute, Olomouc Museum of Art and City of Kroměříž Have the honour to invite you to the ceremonial opening of the Scientific Conference The Birth of the Modern Central European Citizen.
NEWS | 28. 8. 2018
Palacký University Olomouc together with the National Heritage Institute, Olomouc Museum of Art and City of Kroměříž have the honour to invite you to the ceremonial opening of the International project and Scientific Conference The Birth of the Modern Central European Citizen. To be held on Wednesday, 19 September 2018 at 2 pm in the Assembly Hall of the Archbishop’s Chateau in Kroměříž.
Please sign up until 7 September 2018 at: Michael.Viktorik@upol.cz