Heaven is a feature-length documentary by journalist Tomáš Etzler. In the film, the everyday raw reality he experienced first-hand in China for seven years contrasts strongly with the microcosm he discovered in a small village in its northeast.
Documentary | Czech Republic / China | 2021 | 71 min. | directed by Tomáš Etzler, Adéla Špaljová | cast: Tomáš Etzler
Heaven is a feature-length documentary by journalist Tomáš Etzler. In the film, the everyday raw reality he experienced first-hand in China for seven years contrasts strongly with the microcosm he discovered in a small village in its northeast.
Documentary | Czech Republic / China | 2021 | 71 min. | directed by Tomáš Etzler, Adéla Špaljová | cast: Tomáš Etzler