NEWS | 30. 6. 2014 During the animation program "Beautiful drama" represents a lecturer Marek Šobáň pupils and students characteristic of late medieval art and spirituality that time, which were based on medieval art symbols.

NEWS | 30. 6. 2014

During the animation program “Beautiful drama” represents a lecturer Marek Šobáň pupils and students characteristic of late medieval art and spirituality that time, which were based on medieval art symbols. They help him in that two good examples of Czech High Gothic sculpture – Křivák´s Pieat and Madonna from Šternberk. Program participants will also learn a lot of interesting information about the restoration of Křivák´s Pietà. Animation atmosphere can provide you with photos of Markéta Ondrušková. Animation program can be ordered until October 4 (Marek Šobáň, tel. 585 514 174,