NEWS | 1. 12. 2017
Katarína Bajcurova worked as a curator of the Slovak National Gallery for the preparation of a number of exhibitions by Jozef Jankovič, including his extensive retrospective exhibition in 1997, accompanied by an ephemeral monograph, where the 80s and 90s were mapped and Jankovičs return to sculpture and monumental performances. He is now coming to Olomouc to present you the works of this star of the Slovak art scene.
“Katarína Bajcurová is one of the leading Slovakian experts in modern art and we are very glad to come to Olomouc,” says the curator of the exhibition Jozef Jankovič | The Flow if Time Olga Staníková.
“Her lecture will be in the form of a commented tour of our exhibition,” adds Stanika.
Katarína Bajcurová specializes in the issue of Slovak modern painting and sculpture, classical modern art and contemporary art of the second half of the 20th century. On the background of social change, it characterizes the transformations of sculptural thinking and points to local specifics in confrontation with the world and the benefits of individual figures.
“Besides the catalogs and monographs of individual artistic personalities, including Jozef Jankovich, he also focuses on book publications, such as Slovak sculpture 1945-2015, with the monumental work” Great fall “by Josef Jankovič on the cover, representing the historical development of Slovak sculpture over the last seventy years,” reminds Olga Staníková.
Katarína Bajcurovás lecture begins on Wednesday 6 December at 6 pm.