John and John exhibition ends on Sunday

Until Sunday 28 January, visitors to the Archdiocesan Museum will be able to visit the Jan and Jan exhibition on the artistic treatment of the legends of Jan Nepomucký and Jan Sarkander.
“We offer visitors over sixty works referring to both saints. There are some famous works, but also lesser-known ones, which are nevertheless interesting and typical representatives of the art dedicated to both personalities. We are exhibiting sculptures, monumental altarpieces, devotional prints and commemorative medals,” says Simona Jemelková, the author of the exhibition.
The two Janes are often depicted together in art, which is also shown in the Olomouc exhibition. For the first time ever, recently restored paintings by the German painter Julius Muhr, who worked in Rome in the 1850s, will be on display. For example, a highly appreciated canvas from 1853 to 1855, commissioned by the secret chamberlain of Pope Pius IX and later Olomouc’s chapter dean, Robert Maria Count Lichnovsky.