NEWS | March 24, 2017
The cult of the Eucharist became the High and Late Middle Ages, one of the central themes of European culture and permeated all spheres of life of society. The exhibition In that housel Thou art all runishly monitors different forms of Eucharistic worship and cult.
The celebration of the Eucharist, established at the Last Supper of Jesus Christ and its special position between the means of Gods grace, was one of the foundations of the Christian Church since its inception. The diverse form of Eucharistic worship bear witness to a number of remarkable monuments of architecture, sculpture, painting and arts and crafts.
The center of gravity of the exhibition consists of exhibits of medieval art, but installation is complemented by works from the Baroque, 20th century and in May it completed the installation of audiovisual contemporary artist Pavla Mrkuse created specifically for Ambit Archdiocesan Museum.
Co-author of the exhibition at the opening Aleš Mudra recalled that the sacrament of the Eucharist is celebrated at least since the thirteenth century as a means of real actualization of God in this world.
“The wafer is transformed into a true body of Christ. This body has the same sacramental nature of the human body of Jesus and is identical to the spiritual body, which remains in heaven. Understand these mysteries word or reason is difficult. Art has the huge advantage that appeals to the emotions and the questions and mysteries can convey, “said Mudra.
At the same time he explained why this topic should be of interest to people today in a secularized society. “The Eucharist was in the Middle Ages prominent means of transcending beyond human experience and everyday life. The desire to cross borders is a general human and still persists, “said Mudra.
Archbishop Jan Graubner confirmed that he likes the exhibition. “Of course, these sacred things in the museum will sound differently than in the temple when they are used for what they have, while at the monstrance is Christ truly present under the species of bread. Heres a different atmosphere. But this is an excellent opportunity to see a different context and see everything up close. He took sanctuary tortoiseshell Christ of ivory. “I realize how he had cared to find artists as valuable material. Looking for the greatest value that would have been worthy that Christ dwell in it, “said the archbishop.
Among the historical treasures of the exhibition includes a panel painting successor Lucas Cranach the Elder St. Mass. Gregory, who is on loan from the National Gallery of the permanent exhibition in the Sternberg Palace.
The largest exhibits remake of The Last Supper from Hanus Elfeldara, the image of the church. James in Kutna Hora.
Are represented as well as works much later, which forms an imaginary overlap. Among them, for example Supper at Emmaus by Jan Zrzavý or graphic by Bohuslav Reynek called Pieta.
“The exhibition can also reach the unbeliever, because the works are visually very attractive and distinctive. In addition, they extended captions written in understandable language unscientific, “says the lead author of the Museum of Art Helena Zápalková.
Of the exhibition was preceded by five years of research supported by the Czech Science Foundation and backed by the National Heritage Institute.
Photo: Tereza Hrubá