07 Jun 2023
NEWS: 07 06 2023
The Feast of Corpus Christi falls on Thursday 8th June this year, which is also associated with floral decorations - the Corpus Christi sprinkle. The curators and lecturers of the MUO will once again commemorate this almost forgotten tradition. Join them and together decorate the area in front of the Archdiocesan Museum with floral ornaments.
NEWS: 07 06 2023
The Feast of Corpus Christi falls on Thursday 8th June this year, which is also associated with floral decorations – the Corpus Christi sprinkle. The curators and lecturers of the MUO will once again commemorate this almost forgotten tradition. Join them and together decorate the area in front of the Archdiocesan Museum with floral ornaments.