PRESS RELEASE | 7th of July, 2018
Archdiocesan Museum of Kroměříž | Chateau Library
The time of the reign of Emperor Leopold I is connected with the work of Olomouc Bishop Charles II. from Liechtenstein-Castelcorna to the chateau of Kroměříž, whose courtyard was used by Pavel Josef Vejvanovský and Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber. The new exhibition gives visitors the opportunity to see the form of music at the Imperial Court, which set the direction and determined the taste of music, in the context of the Episcopal Court reflecting all the artistic aspects of the time and its shot far beyond the regional boundaries. On selected exhibitions, it will be possible to see how the influence of the Imperial Court was spread and copied by its courts of religious and secular dignitaries.
EXHIBITION | Kabinet hudby II – Kapela biskupa Karla z Lichtensteinu-Castelcorna
VERNISAGE | 7 th od July, 2018, 4 PM
UNTIL | permanent exhibition
PLACE | Archdiocesan Museum of Kroměříž | Chateau Library
CURATOR | Pavla Přikrylová
AUTHOR | Kateřina Fajtlová
GRAFIC | Petr Šmalec