27 Feb 2017
NEWS | February 27, 2017
More than 16,000 people have visited the exhibition so far Murmur of the angel wings that spread into two buildings of Olomouc Museum of Art. For a great interest in the exhibition is extended until March 12.
NEWS | February 27, 2017
More than 16,000 people have visited the exhibition so far Rustle of Angel Wings that spread into two buildings of Olomouc Museum of Art. For a great interest in the exhibition is extended until March 12.
“Interested visitors truly pleased us,” said one of exhibition curator Barbora Kundračíková.
On Wednesday, 1st March, viewers available extra extended opening hours until 20 hours. Among other things, this means that the input is between six and eight oclock free.
People who visit the Museum of Modern Art in Denisova street, can pick up an exhibition poster at the box office. Until the dismantling here last pieces will be available for free.