NEWS | MAY 27, 2020 The opening of four new exhibitions at the Olomouc Museum of Art will be exceptionally virtual. Visitors will see the "vernisage" on Thursday, May 28, from 4 pm on Facebook and the MUO website. Admission to the museum will be FREE on Thursday.

NEWS | MAY 27, 2020

The Olomouc Museum of Art begins the post-coronavirus season with exhibitions of tapestries, photographic books, works of art inspired by nature and the artistic treasures of the Litoměřice diocese. Due to government measures, there will be no classical openings in the Museum of Modern Art or in the Archdiocesan Museum, but we will open the exhibitions virtually on Thursday, May 28, 2020 at 4 pm with video reports on the website and Facebook of the Museum of Art.

On the Thursday is the entry free. 

Litoměřice Diocese Gallery and Museum VISITING Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum


Litoměřice Diocese Gallery and Museum VISITING Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum is an exhibition that opens a unique joint project between the Olomouc Museum of Art and the North Bohemian Gallery of Fine Art in Litoměřice. The aim of the project is to present two exceptional Czech institutions that were established in the new social situation after November 1989. The purpose of the existence of both the Litoměřice Diocese Gallery and Museum and Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum is to preserve, professionally process, make available and mediate to the public the treasures of art and spiritual Christian culture that have been preserved in church collections and in the newly restituted property of the individual parishes of both dioceses. The second part of the project where the Archdiocesan Museum in Olomouc will be presented as a guest in Litoměřice will open on 26 November 2020.

The art of tapestry | The work and its image – two parts of a whole


The tapestries have been since centuries a form of art combining the beauty with utility and visual art with a typical textile handicraft. They have always been considered an art discipline and therefore highly valued. Each single one is created as an original; it transfers the art piece of into the textile medium either from a free work or from a work designed as its prototype. The focus of the exhibition lays in the second example – the idea of a “work and its prototype”. It offers us an extraordinary chance to observe, how the used technique influences the performance of the work, how far it can differ from the prototype and what is the relation between the two works. To create the prototypes of tapestries is a very specific process. Not every art work has the inner potential to get authentically transferred into the textile form. The tapestry has, among others, also its given technical limits, which have to be reflected during the realisation. 

Photoblock | Central Europe in photo books


The history of the 20th century narrated through photobooks is amazing and intriguing. The dreams of Central European artists, utopian visions of the future, struggle for independence, and documents of everyday life mix here with propaganda, tragedy, and war. Viewed through the prism of photobooks, Central Europe is both beautiful and brutal, touching and shocking. The new exhibition Photobloc. Central Europe in Photobooks is the first comprehensive display of photobooks from Central Europe that covers over a hundred years of their history focusing on the most ground-breaking, most interesting and beautiful pieces.

Throughout the 20th century, albums, brochures, and photobooks kept track of the tumultuous history of our region. For the last two decades photobooks have attracted academic attention and have by now been often discussed by numerous publications and exhibitions. Although they have been featured at several shows, there have been no attempts as yet to look at this issue in the context of our region.



The exhibition presents a set of art works from the Olomouc Museum of Art collections – the collection of paintings, sculpture, drawings and graphics. The exhibits and particularly the variety of their motifs and materials might be considered an interesting probe into the museum’s valuable possessions.  The curators’ choice is integrating the theme of nature; nature created and born from the imagination of the artists from the 18th to 21st century. PARADISE – COGNITION – FOREST OF OBLIVION – MYSTERIOUS STORIES – DUSK AND BRIGHTNESS – NASCENCY– GROWTH – VERTICALS are the miniscule sections of the exhibition linked to each other and expressing the content´s topics. When thinking about this exhibition, we tried to create a sort of essay of visual arts, where the art works are at the same time little shards of the thinking about the value of nature – the nature, whose authentic part is created by the story of the human life, the story of heaven and of human eternal fight for cognition of his own place in the cycle of the nature’s rhythm. There the darkness and the light, the brightness and the dusk are the perpetual constants as well as the most significant symbols of the word’s duality and duality of its perception.