NEWS | AUGUST 27, 2019 President Miloš Zeman has appointed Lubomir Zaoralek as new Minister of Culture. The new minister said that one of his priorities would be to resolve the situation at the Olomouc Museum of Art.

NEWS | AUGUST 27, 2019

New Minister of Culture Lubomir Zaoralek promised at a press conference after his appointment that in addition to efforts to increase salaries in culture or support the restoration of immovable cultural monuments, he will also address the situation in the Olomouc Museum of Art.

“I will definitely go to Olomouc. I am from Ostrava and this town is not so far from Olomouc. I want culture to work well in Olomouc,” said Lubomír Zaorálek.

The new minister will probably be most interested in the Central European Forum project or the dismissal of director Michal Soukup.