NEWS |18. 7. 2017 The red audiovisual installation of Pavel Mrkus decorated the May and June Gothic cloisters of Zdiks Palace. The unique connection between stone and the digital world is now reminiscent of videos from the Museum of Art.

NEWS |18. 7. 2017

Pavel Mrkuss red audiovisual installation was decorated in May and June by the Gothic cloister of Zdiks Palace. The unique connection of the stone and the digital world was accompanied by an exhibition In that housel Thou art all runishly, which until September is in the gallery of the Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum. Installation named R.E.D. ended July 2, now reminded of videos from the Museum of Art.

Pavel Mrkus used the spatial and meaning disposition of the Gothic cloister of the bishops Zdíkov Palace, revived by the dynamic wall painting and sound, following the pattern of traditional wall paintings. “I am connecting here the two worlds that we must continue to leapfrog, namely the digital and the stone, real world. We must be able to cope with them, even if the digital one constantly attacks the real one, “explained Pavel Mrkus.

Deep symbolism is seen by the author of the installation also in the chosen color. “Red color often appears in contradictory social situations. One refers to signal warning lights, red light of the photocomor, other colors of blood, chasm, revolution, red wine, or hell or red lanterns. However, it always indicates something extraordinary, requiring special attention, “emphasized Pavel Mrkus.

New catalog

The Exhibition In that housel Thou art all runishly accompanied in June a catalog of the same name, richly illustrated, almost hundredsquare, which is similar to the exhibition divided into four thematic sections in which individual exhibits are presented in a clear way. The Mrkus installation record can be retrieved even via the QR code that is listed in the exhibition catalog or in magazine Muzeion on page 25.