News | January 9, 2015 A new book about Cerska symbolism present on Thursday 15 January at 16.30 hours in the Olomouc Museum of Modern Art. More than four hundred publication that accompanies the exhibition Mysterious Distances, introduced by its author Otto M. Urban and director Arbor vitae Martin Soucek...

News | January 9, 2015

A new book about Cerska symbolism present on Thursday 15 January at 16.30 hours in the Olomouc Museum of Modern Art. More than four hundred publication that accompanies the exhibition Mysterious Distances, introduced by its author Otto M. Urban and director Arbor vitae Martin Soucek. The very first comprehensive treatise on various manifestations of symbolism in the Czech Republic is based in Czech and English language.

According to the editor and main author of scientific papers Otto M. Urban open Mysterious afar topic of symbolism in art. “Our book is the first attempt at a more comprehensive map and describe the symbolism as a major artistic trend in Czech culture in the 19th and 20th centuries. While the visual and textual extensive, shows on a wide range of artists and themes that his detailed treatment are still waiting, “said art historian who studies Central European symbolism intensively pursued since the early 90s and drew on their knowledge in the preparation of major exhibitions in Czech Republic and abroad and in several monographs.